Fr. 18.70

Blokklánc - Valós alkalmazások és m¿ködésük

Ungherese · Tascabile

Spedizione di solito entro 1 a 2 settimane (il titolo viene stampato sull'ordine)


Ulteriori informazioni

Biztosan hallotta már a blokklánc kifejezést, de mi is ez valójában? A Vezet¿i Blokklánc tanfolyam néhány részlete alapján megtudhatja, hogy mit tanítanak világszerte vezet¿knek, tanácsadóknak, igazgatóknak, ügyvédeknek, marketing szakembereknek, oktatóknak stb. a blokklánc fogalmak megértéséhez és a valós alkalmazás el¿segítéséhez. Ez a legnaprakészebb vezet¿i blokklánc könyv a piacon.

Wayne a koppenhágai Skandináv Blokklánc Egyesület (Nordic Blockchain Association) társult szakért¿je.

Info autore

Wayne is known for the success that his students and readers of his books have. He is a trader trainer, coach and entrepreneur in demand. From his base in Copenhagen, this demand has led to trader training & speaking engagements in the United States, China, Jamaica, Norway, United Kingdom, Sweden, etc. Prior to Europe, he was based in New York City. His books are used to teach some of the world's brightest for ex. at Copenhagen Business School & Nanjing University.

He is also a guest columnist to several financial magazines, for example and in Spanish at Estrategias de Inversióoacute;n.

He has held several positions in investment banking including: Regional Manager for teams of Investment Advisors servicing North America & Middle East Regions (based in Denmark and London), Training Consultant to financial institutions. He also headed the Trader Training program at a leading investment bank.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Wayne Walker
Editore Wayne Walker
Lingue Ungherese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 20.01.2023
EAN 9798215513903
ISBN 979-8-215-51390-3
Pagine 70
Dimensioni 152 mm x 229 mm x 4 mm
Peso 117 g
Categorie Guide e manuali > Diritto, professione, finanze
Scienze sociali, diritto, economia > Economia > Singoli rami economici, branche

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