Fr. 57.50

Jadeed Hindi Shairi

Urdu · Tascabile

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Ulteriori informazioni

I compiled this book called Modern Hindi Poetry about twenty-five years ago. In 1988, the extraordinary popularity of Aajkal Hindi Kahani number. I worked hard. Thus, I developed a desire to read and understand Urdu poetry as well as Hindi poetry. It took me some time to understand and accept Hindi poetry as compared to the story. After much mental reflection, I accepted it, but I was also inspired by it. I thought that it is possible that the readers of Urdu and especially the poets do not have the time to go through these stages. I got out. I thought: Why not translate such poems from contemporary Hindi literature, which have deeply influenced me, in such a way that they succeed in making a mark in my memory, they should be translated into Urdu. (KHURSHID AKRAM)

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Khurshid Akram
Editore Arshi Books
Lingue Urdu
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 11.01.2023
EAN 9788193458327
ISBN 978-81-934583-2-7
Pagine 226
Dimensioni 140 mm x 216 mm x 13 mm
Peso 325 g
Categoria Narrativa > Poesia lirica, drammatica

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