
Dashing for the Post - The Letters of Patrick Leigh Fermor

Inglese · Copertina rigida


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Zusatztext A fascinating and engaging sort of autobiography full of the charm found in his travel writings. Wonderful to dip into Informationen zum Autor Adam Sisman is the author of several biographies! most recently of John le Carré. His Boswell's Presumptuous Task won the prestigious US National Book Critics Circle Award for Biography. He is also co-editor of One Hundred Letters ! a volume of selected letters of Hugh Trevor-Roper. Adam is an Honorary Fellow of the University of St Andrews! and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. Klappentext The letters of Patrick Leigh Fermor! edited by Adam Sisman. This collection spans almost 70 years! the first written ten days before his 25th birthday and the last when he was 94! from a war hero and one of the greatest travel writers of his generation. A revelatory collection of letters written by the author of The Broken Road Zusammenfassung A revelatory collection of letters written by the author of The Broken Road


Wow - one tour de force after another! The best letters are as good as - if not better than - any in the language: Byron's, Walpole's, Henry James's, Freya Stark's. Often I laughed aloud, tears coursing down the cheeks John Julius Norwich

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Patrick Leigh Fermor
Con la collaborazione di Adam Sisman (Editore)
Editore John Murray
Lingue Inglese
Formato Copertina rigida
Pubblicazione 06.10.2016
EAN 9781473622463
ISBN 978-1-4736-2246-3
Pagine 469
Dimensioni 160 mm x 241 mm x 41 mm
Categorie Narrativa > Romanzi > Biografie romanzate
Saggistica > Filosofia, religione > Biografie, autobiografie

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