Fr. 19.10

Rang Majeeth ਰੰਗ ਮਜੀਠ: Universal Thought of Spiritual Ideology ਧਾਰਮਿਕ

Panjabi; punjabi · Tascabile

Spedizione di solito entro 3 a 5 settimane (il titolo viene procurato in modo speciale)


Ulteriori informazioni

Around the year

Yes we are time bound;
still we like to run around.
Yes we are very lost;
finding home at any cost.
Help us God to find the way;
save us from going away.
We find out that we can run;
but running away is not a fun.
We should try to find The Great;
let us do it before too late.
Going wrong nothing we gain;
going wrong nothing but pain.
Running around here and there;
we can't make it anywhere.
Only God can show us the way;
only God where we can prey.
Without God we can't achieve;
hell with those who don't believe.
Some who say, he know it all;
one day he will face free fall.
We have only one salvation;
everything else is intoxication.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Surinder Sunner
Editore WorkBook Press
Lingue Panjabi; punjabi
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 10.05.2021
EAN 9781955459211
ISBN 978-1-955459-21-1
Pagine 420
Dimensioni 152 mm x 229 mm x 23 mm
Peso 605 g
Categoria Narrativa > Poesia lirica, drammatica

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