Fr. 76.80

Yer Ain - The Young Yins and the Auld Yin

Scozzese · Tascabile

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Ulteriori informazioni

Yer Ain frae Edward Chisnall is a wark o gravity and humour, aw craftit in the Scots leid. Scots is virile, funny, descriptive, perfect for the soond required o ony dramatic form, novel, or poem. Dig within yersels and thare ye will find the treisur o yer ain culture, and that o the real wirth, oor weans that girn, or greet, or find things tae learn that come frae the hert. The hale faimily o oor history in Scotland is in oor wirds, the craft o wirds, the lauchter that airms ye agin sufferin or haurd days. So, in oor ain tongue, here's whit Edward haes tae say tae ye, his freends... and it's cried Yer Ain.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Edward F. H. Chisnall
Con la collaborazione di Edward F. H. Chisnall (Illustrazione)
Editore Evertype
Lingue Scozzese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 21.03.2021
EAN 9781782012764
ISBN 978-1-78201-276-4
Pagine 172
Dimensioni 178 mm x 254 mm x 11 mm
Peso 492 g
Categoria Narrativa > Poesia lirica, drammatica

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