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101 Christmas Bums - The perfect laugh-out-loud festive gift

Inglese · Tascabile

Spedizione di solito entro 1 a 3 settimane (non disponibile a breve termine)


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A laugh-out-loud Christmas rhyming picture book, featuring 101 magical festive bums!

Info autore

Sam Harper is the award-winning author of 101 Bums series and Superpoop. Sam has a great sense of humour and loves to make children laugh with his writing, and seeing how incredible illustrators can bring his silliness to life on the page. 101 Bums won the Best Laugh Out Loud Picture Books in the 2022 Lollies Awards.Chris Jevons is an award-winning children's book illustrator with a passion for character design and storytelling. He began his career studying art and design at college and 3d animation at university. Chris now scribbles picture books and fiction titles for a living and has illustrated books for fantastic authors such as Peter Bently, Maz Evans, Lucy Rowland and Kes Gray. Chris's books include the bestselling Superpoop, Onesie Party, The Exploding Life of Scarlett Fife and 101 Bums - winner of The Laugh Out Loud Book Award 2023.


A laugh-out-loud Christmas rhyming picture book, featuring 101 magical festive bums!

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Sam Harper, Chris Jevons
Editore Hodder Children's Books
Lingue Inglese
Raccomandazione d'eta' 3 a 5 anni
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 28.10.2021
EAN 9781444957167
ISBN 978-1-4449-5716-7
Pagine 32
Dimensioni 250 mm x 248 mm x 4 mm
Categorie Libri per bambini e per ragazzi > Libri illustrati

Christmas, JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories, JUVENILE FICTION / Stories in Verse (see also Poetry), Humour & jokes (Children's / Teenage), For primary education, For National Curriculum Early Years, Children’s / Teenage general interest: Humour and jokes

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