Fr. 49.10

Hilchasa Berurah Ta'anis Megilah & Chanukah - Hilchos Ta'anis Purim & Chanukah Organized by the Daf

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Ulteriori informazioni

The purpose of this Sefer, is to enable one learning the Gemara, even if only with Rashi, to be able to access immediately the practical Halacha. The Halachos are arranged according to the order of the Ein Mishpat. In the places where the Ein Mishpat refers to the Shulchan Aruch, the relevant Shulchan Aruch with the Mishna Berurah, and main points of the Biur Halacha and Shar Hatzion are brought, in an easy to read format. All the rest of the Halachos of Ta'anis Tisha B'av Purim & Chanukah not referred to by the Ein Mishpat, are arranged according to the Be'er Hagolah, or placed next to similar Halachos. Where the Ein Mishpat brings only the Rambam, the Rambam is brought without commentaries, unless they help to elucidate the Gemara.
The footnotes are very useful for the many places that the Shulchan Aruch does not pasken like Rashi's pshat in the Gemara, and that could cause confusion for many. Therefore at the bottom of the page, the Beer Hagolah's remarks are brought, in which he notes every halacha, according to which Meforash the Shulchan Aruch paskened. In places where it isn't obvious how that meforash learned the Gemarah, a small piece of Beis Yosef is brought to explain it.
Now when one learns the Masechta of the Chag before Yom Tov, he will know all the relevant Halachos; where each Halacha is to be found in the Gemara; and according to whom the halacha is being paskened; and how the Gemarah is to be understood accordingly.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Ahron Zelikovitz
Editore Chazarah MP3
Lingue Ebreo
Formato Copertina rigida
Pubblicazione 16.12.2019
EAN 9781951948030
ISBN 978-1-951948-03-0
Pagine 438
Dimensioni 221 mm x 286 mm x 28 mm
Peso 1357 g
Serie Hilchasa Berurah
Categoria Scienze umane, arte, musica > Religione / teologia > Ebraismo

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