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Nikola Tesla Journey to Mars Update: Exposing the Existence of the Secret Space Program

Inglese · Tascabile

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THIS BOOK CONTAINS SHOCKING PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE THAT WE HAVE ALREADY TRAVELED TO MARS AND SET UP SECRET BASES THERE! THANKS TO TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPED BY "THE WIZARD" NIKOLA TESLA, MARS IS NO LONGER THE MYSTERY PLANET! WHAT IS THE TRUTH ABOUT A SUPPOSED SECRET SPACE PROGRAM OUTSIDE THE JURISDICTION OF NASA? For centuries astronomers have peered through their telescopes for signs of life on the Red Planet. Some thought they saw canals or strange lights that roamed the surface. Jules Verne -- and other early pioneers of science fiction -- wrote what were then considered to be far-fetched stories about the exploration of the moon and the planet Mars. They based their classic literary works not just on their own fertile imaginations, but on "wild rumors" circulating that such voyages had already been made, accomplished by a group of scientists -- all members of the same secret lodge or society that had tapped into an unknown power source, using it to facilitate the birth of flight, years before the Wright Brothers were able to leave the ground. Contacted by this secret fraternal order, Nikola Tesla is said to have furthered their cause, coming up with his own method of interplanetary travel, soon to be stolen and used by Hitler and perhaps, the New World Order! Here is proof that scientists and engineers regularly travel back and forth between colonies that have been set up on the Martian surface and deep underground. This is all part of a super-secret space program that the public has been told nothing about.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Tim R. Swartz, Commander X
Con la collaborazione di Timothy Green Beckley (Editore)
Editore Cfm Media
Lingue Inglese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 18.08.2018
EAN 9781606119846
ISBN 978-1-60611-984-6
Pagine 116
Dimensioni 218 mm x 279 mm x 17 mm
Peso 310 g
Categoria Guide e manuali > Spiritualità > Altro

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