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Sink the F**king Putt, Gold Fun with Dick and Jane

Inglese · Libro cartonato

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Ulteriori informazioni

Sink the Fucking Putt, a humor book for adults, is a Parody of the well known Dick and Jane elementary school reading primers. Dick and Jane had become somewhat reclusive since they were the child stars of the early elementary school reading textbooks. Now they are grown up and living with Spot in the basement of Mother and Father's house. In recent times they became far more social but this led to some complications. This book is the zany story of Dick and Jane taking up the game of golf in order to overcome a certain problem in their young adult lives. See Dick and Jane, with their dog Spot at their side, purchase golf equipment and clothes, learn to putt, and play their first round of golf. The book also has a special feature, a hole in the front cover, that enables the reader to practice putting.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Chris Fuller
Con la collaborazione di Claudia Wolf (Illustrazione)
Editore Bigdogeat Pr
Lingue Inglese
Formato Libro cartonato
Pubblicazione 01.05.2017
EAN 9780692855133
ISBN 978-0-692-85513-3
Pagine 20
Dimensioni 142 mm x 142 mm x 18 mm
Peso 159 g
Categoria Narrativa > Fumetti, cartoni, humour, satira

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