Fr. 39.00

The Unlikely Adventure of a Turtle, a Mouse and a Shark

Akan, Inglese · Copertina rigida

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Ulteriori informazioni

This heartwarming tale begins as the brotherhood of blue-eyed stars, that protects the heavens, is betrayed by one of their own. Three blue-eyed stars are cursed by the Dark Star and fall to earth. Each lands far from the others and takes on a different form. One is a turtle, one is a mouse and the last is a shark. They can't return home until they find each other and break the curse. Celestia, Queen of the heavens, enlists the help of Mother Nature, the sun, the moon and the wind, but will that be enough? Will the brothers recognize each other and break the curse or remain on earth forever...

Info autore

Lyn Wells Clark and her husband reside in Middleton, Massachusetts, where they raised their two children. Although she holds a degree in Accounting, her love for writing poetry and children's stories is undeniable. Lyn recently opened her own company called Blue-Eyed Star Creations, to help promote her literary projects. The Unlikely Adventure of a Turtle, a Mouse and a Shark is her maiden voyage into the world of children's literature.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Lyn Wells Clark
Con la collaborazione di Lorena Mary Hart (Illustrazione)
Editore Blue-Eyed Star Creations, LLC
Lingue Akan, Inglese
Formato Copertina rigida
Pubblicazione 05.10.2017
EAN 9780999440902
ISBN 978-0-9994409-0-2
Pagine 36
Dimensioni 221 mm x 286 mm x 7 mm
Peso 424 g
Categoria Libri per bambini e per ragazzi > Letture, fiabe, saghe, rime, canzoni > Poesie e rime

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