Fr. 24.70

Same Red Dirt - A Comical Memoir

Inglese, Tataro · Tascabile

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When as a young man Pat Conrad gave up a good job and left the United States in search of greener pastures in Australia, he didn't know what he would find-or even if he would come back at all. During the next thirteen months, his freewheeling spirit and thirst for adventure brought him in contact with a parade of unforgettable characters. With refreshing honesty and a keen wit, Same Red Dirt recounts Pat's experiences working at Sydney's infamous Callan Park Mental Hospital, where he spent time among some of the world's most criminally insane; his escape to the sandy beaches near Sydney; his hair-raising experiences down the red dirt roads of Australia's rugged Outback; and his series of unusual jobs as he made his way throughout the country. In this "R-rated Christian memoir," Pat shares how his bad choices along the way, and his desire to fill a hole in his heart, led to a major change in his life.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Pat Conrad
Con la collaborazione di David Ferris (Editore)
Editore Pat Conrad
Lingue Inglese, Tataro
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 10.03.2018
EAN 9780692065617
ISBN 978-0-692-06561-7
Pagine 202
Dimensioni 140 mm x 216 mm x 12 mm
Peso 292 g
Categoria Narrativa > Romanzi > Epistole, diari

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