Fr. 44.30

This Little Piggy - A Disturbing Tale About Wall Street's Lunatic Fringe

Inglese, Tataro · Tascabile

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Sandra Martini thought she had it all, a storybook marriage, two loving children, a meaningful career in healthcare, and lots of corporate expense account goodies. But, all hell broke loose when husband Victor met Franklin Ryman, a wealthy, "tarnished" member of Wall Street's dark-side dealmakers, known as "the lunatic fringe."
The morally bankrupt Ryman guaranteed Victor no experience was necessary to become a Wall Street zillionaire, other than "Follow the Leader." Smitten with the notion of becoming filthy rich at the age of 37, Victor waved goodbye to his carefully-cultivated career on Madison Avenue to launch a questionable IPO (Initial Public Offering) with Ryman.
Reluctantly, Sandra agreed to join "the love of her life" on a breath-taking roller-coaster though a seamy side of Wall Street that professional dealmakers deny exists. A world where the only color that matters is green.
When the roller coaster stops, Victor and Sandra are financially and morally bankrupt, their marriage is in shambles, and Victor contemplates a bizarre version of suicide to make amends.

Info autore

Manhattan-born M.G. Crisci is the critically-acclaimed author of ten books inspired by or based on real events. His literary works are noted for complex character studies and surprising endings. They encompass the genres of romance, history, politics, and crime.

He is also a former Fortune 500 senior executive, an internationally-recognized expert in the field of consumer motivation and behavior, and award-winning journalist, and a thought-provoking social commentator who believes non-political, cross-cultural activities have the power to increase mutual respect and trust between allies and enemies.

He has been elected to Who's Who in the World 22 times, and recently received lifetime achievement awards from the Albert Marcus Society and the Eurasia Center Worldwide for his business, literary, and cultural contributions.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori M. G. Crisci
Editore Orca Publishing Company USA
Lingue Inglese, Tataro
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 21.03.2018
EAN 9781456630638
ISBN 978-1-4566-3063-8
Pagine 336
Dimensioni 152 mm x 229 mm x 20 mm
Peso 547 g
Categoria Narrativa > Romanzi > Epistole, diari

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