Fr. 46.30

Nutcracker Versus Nutcracker

Inglese, Sotho del sud · Copertina rigida

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Close your eyes a moment, and picture this with me. Two nutcrackers that appear identical in every way, yet they couldn't be more different. One is a toy maker and one a toy thief. When the two cross paths. The gifts of true friendship will be revealed.
How to draw included in the back!

Info autore

Elizabeth Lee Sorrell, an Alabama native, is a gifted teacher. She has worked with babies and preschoolers, for twenty plus years. She is a teacher in the Federal Head Start program. In 2017 she was awarded Alabama Head Start Association's Teacher of the Year. She has her Associates Degree in Early Childhood Development, her Bachelor's in Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education, and her Master's in Early Childhood Education. When not teaching, or leading as the Nursery Coordinator of her church, she is with her family and dear friends, probably reading or writing a book. She loves to spend time with her nieces. Elizabeth is a Christian. She cheers for the Auburn Tigers, and the Atlanta Braves. As a big baseball fan, she has, more than once, written stories in the world of MLB, and watches as many games as she is able. Many of her children's books are inspired by her nieces or an educational need (or a bit of both), as she loves little growing minds! Her novels often explore love, suspense and mystery!

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Elizabeth Lee Sorrell
Con la collaborazione di Sandra Js Coleman (Illustrazione)
Editore Yarbrough House Publishing
Lingue Inglese, Sotho del sud
Formato Copertina rigida
Pubblicazione 12.11.2017
EAN 9780999580004
ISBN 978-0-9995800-0-4
Pagine 34
Dimensioni 208 mm x 209 mm x 6 mm
Peso 253 g
Categoria Libri per bambini e per ragazzi

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