Fr. 38.50

Toxins and Antidotes - A Therapeutic Card Deck for Exploring Life Experiences

Inglese · Poster

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Ulteriori informazioni

Help clients to reflect on their life experiences with this therapeutic card set. Featuring 100 cards with words and phrases relating to family, relationships, education, religion and physical and mental health, clients can use the cards to decide whether an experience has been a toxic influence or a more positive antidote to a particular issue. Ideal for use with people aged 16+, this original activity will help clients gain a deeper understanding of themselves and will show how they can reframe perspectives around negative experiences to aid healing and personal development. The set includes a blank card which can be photocopied and used to write additional words and phrases, along with a booklet with guidelines and further ideas for use in therapy and counseling sessions.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Bonnie Thomas
Con la collaborazione di Rosy Salaman (Illustrazione)
Editore Jessica Kingsley Publications
Lingue Inglese
Formato Poster
Pubblicazione 30.09.2017
EAN 9781785927638
ISBN 978-1-78592-763-8
Dimensioni 102 mm x 138 mm x 54 mm
Categorie Scienze naturali, medicina, informatica, tecnica > Medicina > Branche cliniche
Scienze umane, arte, musica > Pedagogia > Pedagogia speciale

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