Fr. 15.50

A Staffordshire Workhouse - Living in the workhouse of Newcastle under Lyme

Akan, Inglese · Tascabile

Spedizione di solito entro 1 a 2 settimane (il titolo viene stampato sull'ordine)


Ulteriori informazioni

After returning to Newcastle under Lyme, Gladys finished her
book on researching a family tree (Twigs, Twiglets and
Branches). In the course of her research she encountered
many uplifting stories, but also some stories of those who are less fortunate.

This led her research to the various poor laws and eventually to the institution known as 'the workhouse'.
This book is about the Newcastle under Lyme workhouse,
some of its history and the lives of the inmates, why they were there and what happened to them.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Gladys Dinnacombe
Lingue Akan, Inglese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 27.01.2017
EAN 9781326925703
ISBN 978-1-326-92570-3
Pagine 66
Dimensioni 148 mm x 210 mm x 4 mm
Peso 99 g
Categoria Scienze umane, arte, musica > Storia

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