Fr. 136.90

The Illustrated Gaelic-English Dictionary

Gaelico Scozzese · Copertina rigida

Spedizione di solito entro 2 a 3 settimane (il titolo viene stampato sull'ordine)


Ulteriori informazioni

The first edition of this classic dictionary was published more than a hundred years ago in 1901 and it has been the "Great Gaelic Dictionary" ever since.

Instead of a lithographic reproduction this edition is newly typeset. This has allowed us to increase the font size slightly and, as a result, the text is much clearer than ever before. Small things were adjusted: typos, errors in the alphabetic ordering and the orthography has been tweaked a wee bit regarding some inconsistencies. The illustrations were digitally cleaned and they too are now much clearer, especially the numbering on the more complex illustrations.

No new terms have been added, so it's "Dwelly virtually the way he always was but easier to read".

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Edward Dwelly
Editore Akerbeltz
Lingue Gaelico Scozzese
Formato Copertina rigida
Pubblicazione 01.09.2011
EAN 9781907165023
ISBN 978-1-907165-02-3
Pagine 1084
Dimensioni 183 mm x 260 mm x 62 mm
Peso 2189 g
Categorie Libri scolastici > Strumenti per lo studio / preparazione alla maturità > Opere di consultazione
Saggistica > Enciclopedie, opere di consultazione > Enciclopedie, lessici

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