
The Institutio Oratoria Of Quintilian, Vol. 4 of 4 - With An English Translation (Classic Reprint)

Latino · Tascabile


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Excerpt from The Institutio Oratoria Of Quintilian, Vol. 4 of 4: With An English Translation

If we turn to history, we shall find a number of 73 distinguished writers; but there are two who must undoubtedly be set far above all their rivals: their excellences are different in kind, but have won almost equal praise. Thucydides is compact in texture, terse and ever eager to press forward H ero dotus is pleasant, lucid and diffuse: the former excels in vigour, speeches and the expression of the stronger passions; the latter in charm, conversations and the delineation of the gentler emotions. Theo 74 pompus 1 comes next, and though as a historian he is inferior to the authors just mentioned, his style has a greater resemblance to oratory, which is not surprising, as he was an orator before he was urged to turn to history. Philìstus 2 also deserves Special distinction among the crowd of later historians, good though they may have been: he was nu imitator of Thucydides, and though far his inferior, was some what more lucid. Ephorus,3 according to Isocrates, needed the spur. Clitarchus 4 has won appyoval by 75 his talent, but his accuracy has been impugned. Timagenes 5 was born long after these authors, but deserves our praise for the very fact that he revived the credit of history, the writing of which had fa1len into neglect. I have not forgotten Xenophon, but be will find his place among the philosophers.

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Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Quintilian Quintilian
Editore Forgotten Books
Lingue Latino
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 01.01.2016
Pagine 570
Dimensioni 152 mm x 229 mm x 30 mm
Peso 754 g
Categorie Guide e manuali > Diritto, professione, finanze > Formazione, professione, carriera
Libri scolastici > Libri scolastici per istituti a indirizzo generale

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