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Learn Latin From the Romans - A Complete Introductory Course Using Textbooks From the Roman Empire

Inglese · Copertina rigida

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Ulteriori informazioni

Informationen zum Autor Eleanor Dickey was educated at Bryn Mawr College and the University of Oxford, has taught in Canada and the United States, and is currently Professor of Classics at the University of Reading. She is a Fellow of the British Academy and the Academia Europaea, and has published widely on the Latin and Greek languages and how they were studied in antiquity, including Greek Forms of Address (1996), Latin Forms of Address (2002), Ancient Greek Scholarship (2007), The Colloquia of the Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana (2012-15), Learning Latin the Ancient Way (2016) and An Introduction to the Composition and Analysis of Greek Prose (2016). She has extensive experience of teaching both Latin and Greek at all levels and has brought this experience to bear on her adaptations of ancient Latin-learning materials for modern students. Klappentext The only introductory Latin textbook to use texts written by ancient Romans for Latin learners, presented in one volume. Zusammenfassung This is the only introductory Latin textbook to feature texts by ancient Romans specifically for Latin learners. It includes clear explanations of grammatical concepts! 5!000 easy practice sentences! and 158 longer passages (from inscriptions! graffiti! and Christian texts! as well as Catullus! Cicero! and Virgil - and! of course! the ancient Latin textbooks). Inhaltsverzeichnis Preface; Introduction; The pronunciation of Latin; Part I: 1. Verbs: inflection and word order; 2. Nouns: nominative, vocative, and accusative of first and second declensions; 3. Adjectives: gender, agreement, neuters, and vocabulary format; 4. Tenses: future, perfect, and principal parts; 5. Genitive case, sum; 6. First and second conjugations, past participles; 7. Dative case, possum; 8. Second declension in -r and -ius, substantivization; 9. Ablative case, prepositions, e¿; 10. Demonstratives and imperatives; 11. Reading texts; Part II: 12. Personal pronouns, partitive and objective genitives; 13. Present subjunctive, quis; 14. Third declension; 15. Subordination, imperfect subjunctive, purpose clauses; 16. Sequence of tenses; 17. Fourth and mixed conjugations; 18. Reading practice; 19. Infinitives and indirect statement; 20. Reflexives; 21. Third-declension adjectives; 22. Reading practice; Part III: 23. Demonstratives, ablative of agent; 24. Participles; 25. Relative clauses and vol¿; 26. Reading practice; 27. Deponent verbs: forms from first two principal parts; 28. Indirect commands; 29. Deponent verbs: perfect-stem forms; 30. Fear clauses and long sentences; 31. Reading poetry; Part IV: 32. Passive voice, agent and means; 33. Result clauses; 34. Fourth and fifth declensions; 35. Time and place; 36. Reading practice; 37. N¿l¿ and m¿l¿; 38. Regular comparison; 39. Imperfect tense; 40. Irregular comparison, negatives; 41. Gerundives; 42. Reading practice; 43. Adverbs; 44. Pluperfect and future perfect tenses; 45. Impersonal verbs; 46. Perfect and pluperfect subjunctives; 47. More subordinate clauses; 48. Reading practice; Part V: 49. Fer¿; 50. Conditional clauses; 51. F¿¿; 52. Ipse and iste; 53. Reading practice; 54. Indirect questions; 55. Numbers; 56. Relative clauses with the subjunctive; 57. Ablative absolute; 58. ¿dem, expressions of price and value; 59. Reading practice; 60. Gerunds I; 61. Gerunds II; Appendices: 62. How to use the appendices; 63. Further grammatical explanations and exercises; 64. Key to further exercises; 65. Alphabetical glossary of grammatical terminology; 66. The metre of Virgil's Aeneid; Cumulative vocabulary, Latin to English; Cumulative vocabulary, English to Latin; Index of grammatical topics covered; Index of Latin passages included....

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Eleanor Dickey, Eleanor (University of Reading) Dickey
Editore Cambridge University Press ELT
Lingue Inglese
Formato Copertina rigida
Pubblicazione 28.06.2018
EAN 9781107140844
ISBN 978-1-107-14084-4
Pagine 526
Categorie Libri scolastici > Altro
Scienze umane, arte, musica > Scienze linguistiche e letterarie > Letteratura / linguistica classica

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