Fr. 26.90

The Riches Within

Inglese · Tascabile

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Ulteriori informazioni

Informationen zum Autor Dr. John F. Demartini! is the founder of the Concourse of Wisdom School of Philosophy of Healing. He began his career as a doctor of chiropractic and went on to explore more than 200 different disciplines in pursuit of what he calls Universal Principles of Life and Health. Klappentext Dr. John F. Demartini! is the founder of the Concourse of Wisdom School of Philosophy of Healing. He began his career as a doctor of chiropractic and went on to explore more than 200 different disciplines in pursuit of what he calls Universal Principles of Life and Health. Zusammenfassung Teaches you how to empower yourself and live an authentic life. This title lets you discover how to dissolve the emotional charge of any incident! emotion or person which may be controlling you and empower your life; identify your true values and create a greater level of power and leadership; and! more.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Dr John F. Demartini, John F. Demartini
Editore Hay House
Lingue Inglese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 26.09.2008
EAN 9781848500471
ISBN 978-1-84850-047-1
Dimensioni 130 mm x 198 mm x 20 mm
Serie Pod Title
Categoria Guide e manuali > Spiritualità > Esoterismo

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