
Penguin Small

Inglese · Tascabile


Ulteriori informazioni

Informationen zum Autor Mick Inkpen is one of the top-selling picture book artists and writers in the world and is consistently in the top ten most borrowed authors in UK libraries. The Kipper and Wibbly Pig stories have millions of readers worldwide. He has won the British Book Award twice for Lullabyhullaballoo and Penguin Small and the Children's Book Award for Threadbear . He has also been shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Medal and the Smarties Award three times! winning Bronze for Wibbly Pig's Silly Big Bear . In addition to this! Kipper won a BAFTA for best animated children's film.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Mick Inkpen
Con la collaborazione di Griff Rhys Jones (Lettore / narratore)
Editore Hachette Childrens
Lingue Inglese
Raccomandazione d'eta' 4 a 6 anni
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 21.02.2007
EAN 9781844562992
ISBN 978-1-84456-299-2
Dimensioni 243 mm x 270 mm x 5 mm
Serie Hodder Children's Books
Hodder Children's Books
Categoria Libri per bambini e per ragazzi > Libri illustrati

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