Fr. 28.70

Called to Conquer - INDONESIAN BAHASA

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Do you want to know the job, the place, the relationships and the ministry God has ordained for you? Do you want to enter that special place of provision, responsibility and privilege designed just for you - in this life and into eternity? Are you willing to answer His call?

Then you are ready to discover your calling. It is not complicated and it is intensely practical. With warmth and timeless wisdom, beloved Bible teacher Derek Prince will help you.

Info autore

DEREK PRINCE (1915-2003) was educated at Eton and later Cambridge, where he held a Fellowship in Philosophy. While serving with the British Army during World War II, he experienced a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. He then devoted his life to the study of the Bible and became internationally recognized as a leading Bible teacher. Derek's main gift of explaining the Bible in a clear and simple way has helped build a foundation of faith in millions of lives. His books include 'Foundational Truths for Christian Living', 'Bought with Blood' and 'Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose'.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Derek Prince
Editore DPM-UK
Lingue Indo
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 28.11.2013
EAN 9781782630289
ISBN 978-1-78263-028-9
Pagine 210
Dimensioni 152 mm x 229 mm x 12 mm
Peso 312 g
Categoria Scienze umane, arte, musica > Religione / teologia > Cristianesimo

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