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Africans to Spanish America - Expanding the Diaspora

Inglese · Tascabile

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Ulteriori informazioni

Sherwin K. Bryant is an assistant professor of African American studies and history at Northwestern University. Rachel Sarah O'Toole is an assistant professor of history at the University of California, Irvine. Ben Vinson III is a professor of Latin American history and the director of the Africana Research Center at Johns Hopkins University.

Info autore

Sherwin K. Bryant is an assistant professor of African American studies and history at Northwestern University. Rachel Sarah O'Toole is an assistant professor of history at the University of California, Irvine. Ben Vinson III is a professor of Latin American history and the director of the Africana Research Center at Johns Hopkins University.


Expands the diaspora framework to include Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, and Cuba, exploring the connections and disjunctures between colonial Latin America and the African diaspora in the Spanish empires.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori &apos, Sherwin K. O&apos Bryant, Sherwin K. O''''toole Bryant, Rachel Sarah Vinson toole
Con la collaborazione di Sherwin K. Bryant (Editore), Rachel Sarah O'Toole (Editore), Ben Vinson (Editore)
Editore University Of Illinois Press
Lingue Inglese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 08.01.2014
EAN 9780252080012
ISBN 978-0-252-08001-2
Pagine 288
Serie New Black Studies Series
New Black Studies
New Black Studies Series
Categorie Saggistica > Storia > Altro
Scienze sociali, diritto, economia > Sociologia > Opere generiche, enciclopedie

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