Fr. 169.20

Foreign Accent: The Phenomenon of Non-Native Speech

Inglese · Copertina rigida

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Ulteriori informazioni

Informationen zum Autor Alene Moyer is Associate Professor in the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures and Associate Dean in the College of Arts and Humanities at the University of Maryland. Klappentext In this fascinating account, Alene Moyer examines the social, psychological, educational and legal ramifications of sounding 'foreign'. Zusammenfassung To what extent do our accents determine the way we are perceived by others? Is a foreign accent inevitably associated with social stigma? In this fascinating account! Alene Moyer examines the social! psychological! educational and legal ramifications of sounding 'foreign'. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. The scope and relevance of accent; 2. Accent and age; 3. Accent and the individual; 4. Accent and society; 5. Accent and the law; 6. Accent and instruction; 7. Conclusions.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Alene Moyer, Alene (University of Maryland Moyer, Alene (University of Maryland) Moyer, MOYER ALENE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLA
Editore Cambridge University Press Academic
Lingue Inglese
Formato Copertina rigida
Pubblicazione 14.03.2013
EAN 9781107005815
ISBN 978-1-107-00581-5
Dimensioni 160 mm x 236 mm x 19 mm
Categoria Libri scolastici > Altro

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