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Paul Klee - Ad Parnassum - Schlüsselwerke der Schweizer Kunst

English, German · Hardback

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In the 1920s, German-Swiss artist Paul Klee (1879-1940) began his long-lasting engagement with polyphonic art-multi-voiced way of painting analogous to musicA relentless experimenter, Klee began these studies while teaching at the Bauhaus in Dessau, developed them further during his tenure at the art academy in Düsseldorf, and brought them to conclusion after his return to Switzerland in 1933. In this book, distinguished art historian Oskar Bätschmann explores Klee's seminal painting Ad Parnassum (1932). Painted shortly after the artist's departure from the Bauhaus, it symbolizes a new era, also one of Klee's own self-discovery. Bätschmann documents how the artist strove for a connection of music and painting in his color hues and in the rhythmic movement of colored dots.
Richly illustrated, this book places Klee's polyphonic understanding of art in an art-historical context by using this key work and offers insight into the synesthetic thinking that emerged in the art world during that time.

About the author

Oskar Bätschmann
lehrte bis 2009 als Professor für Kunstgeschichte der Neuzeit und der Moderne an der Universität Bern. Er war Mitglied der Paul-Klee-Stiftung und Mitinitiator des von 1998 bis 2004 erschienenen Catologue raisonné des Künstlers.


Paul Klee’s studies on polyphonic painting: the beginning of a new period


Product details

Authors Oskar Bätschmann
Assisted by Angelika Affentranger-Kirchrath (Editor), Karen Williams (Translation)
Publisher Scheidegger & Spiess
Languages English, German
Product format Hardback
Released 01.12.2021
EAN 9783039420117
ISBN 978-3-0-3942011-7
No. of pages 96
Dimensions 221 mm x 15 mm x 252 mm
Weight 644 g
Illustrations 33 farbige Abbildungen
Series Schlüsselwerke der Schweizer Kunst
Subjects Humanities, art, music > Art > Plastic arts

Kunst, Verstehen, Gemälde, Schweiz, Bildband, einzelne Künstler, Künstlermonografien, Malerei und Gemälde, Malerei, Künstler, Photographie, Paul Klee, bildende Kunst, Maler, Morderne Kunst, Ad Parnassum, Schlüsselwerke der Schweizer Kunst, Oskar Bätschmann, Key works of Swiss art

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