Product details
Authors | Markus Heitz |
Publisher | Droemer/Knaur |
Languages | German |
Product format | Paperback / Softback |
Released | 02.11.2015 |
EAN | 9783426518618 |
ISBN | 978-3-426-51861-8 |
No. of pages | 784 |
Dimensions | 125 mm x 190 mm x 34 mm |
Weight | 505 g |
Illustrations | 10 SW-Fotos |
Series |
Knaur-Tb. Knaur Taschenbücher Knaur Taschenbücher Malleus Bourreau |
Subjects |
> Science fiction, fantasy
Fiction > Science fiction, fantasy > Fantasy Wicca, Deutsche Literatur, Leipzig, Vatikan, Werwolf, Shiva, Rom, Spannung, Thriller / Spannung, Mythen, Scharfrichter, Urban Fantasy, Historische Fantasy, Fantasy Serie, Fantasy Thriller, Geneve Cornelius, Markus Heitz, Abenteuer-Fantasy, Götter, SciFi, Henkerstochter, Zeus, fantasy götter, Thriller Übersinnliches, fantasy deutsch, Odin, Götterwelt, Manitu, Fantasy Erwachsene, Alterantivwelt, Anubis, Markus Heitz Meisterin, Vatikan-Polizist, Audible, Henkersdynastie, Pakt der Dunkelheit |
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