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Summoned to Another World for a Second Time - The Complete Season (2 Blu-rays)

English · Blu-ray

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There was once a man who was summoned to another world, and saved it. Of course, he became too popular there, and turned into an isekai-normie. However, that man fell into a "trap" and was forcibly returned to his original world. Moreover, he had to start over as a baby!

This is the story of the way-too-fantastic ex-hero who lived as a gloomy high-schooler, as he gets summoned once again to that same other world in a very unexpected development!

12 Episodes

Product details

Director Motoki Nakanishi
Genre Action
Content 2 Blu-rays
Age rating from age 14
Publication date 09.07.2024
Audio Japanese (Dolby TrueHD 2.0)
Subtitles English
Extras Music videos, Trailer
Length 5h 0min
Screen 16/9, HD Native, 1080p High Definition
Year of production 2023
Original title Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome desu (Japanese)
Version US Version
Region code A, B

Cast & Crew

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