Fr. 25.50

The Salvation Hunters (1925) (Edition Filmmuseum, Trigon-Film)

English, German · DVD

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Before making film history with The Blue Angel, Viennese-born filmmaker Josef von Sternberg directed a series of thematically and stylistically daring silent films. This DVD presents the first and last of his surviving silents, digitally restored from archival 35mm elements and supplemented by a new video essay by film historian Janet Bergstrom.

Product details

Director Josef Von Sternberg
Actor George K. Arthur, Georgia Hale, Bruce Guerin, Otto Matieson
Label Trigon-Film
Genre Drama
Content DVD
FSK / age rating from age 12
Publication date 29.12.2017
Edition Trigon-Film, Edition Filmmuseum
Audio English (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Subtitles German, French
Length 70 Minutes
Screen 1.33:1, 4/3
Year of production 1925
Region code 0

Cast & Crew

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