Fr. 240.40

A History of the Left in South Africa - Writings of Baruch Hirson

English · Hardback

New edition in preparation, currently unavailable


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Informationen zum Autor Yael Hirson is a historian who had edited her late husband's writings. Klappentext Baruch Hirson--historian and political scientist--was a towering figure of the intellectual Left in South Africa for much of the twentieth century. Yael Hirson has collected and edited his writings to produce a comprehensive picture which includes the role of trade unions! the Communist Party! Trotyskist groups! aspects of workers's resistence to oppression by the state and big business--so often closely linked--and the vital questions of race! color and class in the struggle against the apartheid state. This book provides a unique insight into the formative influences which helped to guide the South African resistance movement and will prove an essential reference point to those interested in the early political career of Nelson Mandela. A collection of Baruch Hirson's writings producing a comprehensive picture which includes the role of trade unions, the Communist Party, and Trotyskist groups. This book provides an insight into the influences which helped to guide the South African resistance movement. It is aimed at those interested in the political career of Nelson Mandela. Zusammenfassung A collection of Baruch Hirson's writings producing a comprehensive picture which includes the role of trade unions, the Communist Party, and Trotyskist groups. This book provides an insight into the influences which helped to guide the South African resistance movement. It is aimed at those interested in the political career of Nelson Mandela.

Product details

Authors Baruch Hirson, Baruch Hirson Hirson, Yael Hirson
Publisher Tauris, I.B.
Languages English
Product format Hardback
Released 22.06.2005
EAN 9781850434542
ISBN 978-1-85043-454-2
No. of pages 288
Series International Library of African Studies
International Library of Afric
International Library of Afric
International Library of African Studies
Subjects Humanities, art, music > History > Regional and national histories
Non-fiction book > History > Miscellaneous

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