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FrC 16.5 Eubulides – Mnesimachos

Italian · Hardback


Product details

Authors Virginia Mastellari
Publisher Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht
Languages Italian
Product format Hardback
Released 01.12.2019
EAN 9783946317654
ISBN 978-3-946317-65-4
No. of pages 548
Dimensions 160 mm x 235 mm x 44 mm
Weight 1026 g
Series Fragmenta Comica
Subjects Humanities, art, music > Linguistics and literary studies

Altertumswissenschaft, Griechische Literatur, Quellen, Altes Griechenland, Antike Komödie, ca. 1000 v. Chr. bis Christi Geburt

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