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See How Small

English · Paperback

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Informationen zum Autor Scott Blackwood is the author of two previous books of fiction, In the Shadow of Our House and We Agreed to Meet Just Here, and the recipient of a Whiting Writers' Award. He's also the Grammy Award-nominated author of The Rise and Fall of Paramount Records, a two-volume narrative about American's greatest "race record" label and the rise of early jazz and blues. Blackwood resided in Austin, Texas, for many years and now lives in Chicago. Klappentext A riveting novel about the aftermath of a brutal murder of three teenage girls, written in incantatory prose 'that's as fine as any being written by an American author today.' One autumn evening in a Texas town, two strangers walk into an ice cream shop shortly before closing time. They bind up the three teenage girls behind the counter, set fire to the shop, and disappear. SEE HOW SMALL tells the stories of the survivors--family, witnesses, and suspects--who must endure in the wake of atrocity.

Product details

Authors Scott Blackwood
Publisher Back Bay Books
Languages English
Product format Paperback
Released 09.09.2015
EAN 9780316373944
ISBN 978-0-316-37394-4
Series Little, Brown and Company
Subject Fiction > Narrative literature

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