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Novels 2001-2007 : English 07.02.2013 Hardback Fr. 59.50 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Nemeses : English 07.02.2013 Hardback Fr. 48.90 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Roth Novels 1993-1995 English 02.09.2010 Hardback Fr. 42.50 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Novels and Other Narratives 1986-1991 English 04.09.2008 Hardback Fr. 59.50 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Philip Roth Novels and Stories 1959-1962 English 18.08.2005 Hardback Fr. 44.50 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Philip Roth Novels 1973-1977 English 19.10.2006 Hardback Fr. 55.50 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Philip Roth Novels 1967-1972 English 18.08.2005 Hardback Fr. 48.90 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)