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Hegel and Modern Society English 30.09.2015 Hardback Fr. 115.00 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Obscenity and Film Censorship English 31.10.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 35.50 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Obscenity and Film Censorship English 31.10.2015 Hardback Fr. 125.00 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Must We Mean What We Say? English 30.09.2015 Hardback Fr. 139.00 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Concept of Nature English 31.10.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 48.60 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Concept of Nature English 31.10.2015 Hardback Fr. 140.40 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Models of Man English 31.10.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 36.90 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Models of Man English 31.10.2015 Hardback Fr. 79.00 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Proofs and Refutations English 31.10.2015 Hardback Fr. 148.90 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Dilemmas English 31.10.2015 Hardback Fr. 125.00 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Experience and Its Modes English 31.10.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 35.50 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Experience and Its Modes English 31.10.2015 Hardback Fr. 125.00 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Kant''s Dialectic English 26.08.2016 Paperback / Softback Fr. 35.50 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Kant''s Analytic English 26.08.2016 Paperback / Softback Fr. 35.50 3-5 weeks
Hegel and Modern Society English 30.09.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 47.90 2-3 weeks (title will be printed to order)
Must We Mean What We Say? English 30.09.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 50.30 2-3 weeks (title will be printed to order)
Art and Its Objects English 31.10.2015 Paperback Fr. 50.30 2-3 weeks (title will be printed to order)
Art and Its Objects English 31.10.2015 Hardback Fr. 134.40 2-3 weeks (title will be printed to order)
Proofs and Refutations English 31.10.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 47.90 2-3 weeks (title will be printed to order)
Dilemmas English 31.10.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 48.60 2-3 weeks (title will be printed to order)