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Looking at mobile solutions or wearable computing, it immediately becomes apparent that their user interfaces call for di?erent solutions than the desktop paradigm. This is not only due to the very small size of the displays but also predominantly to the need for a much stronger dependency on the applications. In addition, they feature a use of environmental sensors which has never been seen before enabling applications to run in an Ambient Intelligence Environment. This development requires new solutions and constitutes new research questions. With this book, Dr. Witt contributes to the goal of including mobile and wearable interfaces into a proper development process again: He develops a systematical approach for the development of mobile and wearable user interfaces that can be embedded in standard development processes, and which can also be evaluated during this process. Furthermore, he also describes the architecture and implementation of the WUI, a We- able User Interface Toolkit, which provides the necessary levels of abstraction to allow the programmers of mobile and wearable solutions to easily implement novel solutions in an almost standardized way. These results are based on a solid theoretical foundation and thorough state-of-the-art research. The evaluation of mobile and wearable user interfaces which usually combine a primary manual task with computer assistance is developed as an especially clever ga- like process: Dr. Witt uses the "hot wire" game to combine all relevant aspects for a proper evaluation.
List of contents
Theoretical Framework and Related Work.- Interdisciplinary Foundations.- Fundamentals of Perception and Cognition.- Human-Computer Interaction.- Context-Awareness and Adaptive User Interfaces.- Design and Development of Wearable User Interfaces.- An Approach for Developing Wearable User Interfaces.- Evaluation of Wearable User Interfaces.- The HotWire Apparatus.- Interruption Methods for Gesture Interaction.- Interruption Methods for Speech Interaction.- Visual Feedback and Frames of Reference for Gesture Interaction.- Development of Wearable User Interface.- The Wearable User Interface Toolkit.- Applications.- Conclusion.- Conclusions and Final Remarks.
Over the last decades, desktop computers for professional and consumer applications have become a quasi standard. However, the last few years have been dominated by a new trend in computing: the mobile use of computers. Wearable computers, which are a special kind of mobile computer, assist their users in managing primarily physical tasks.
Hendrik Witt examines user interfaces for wearable computers and analyses the challenges imposed by the wearable computing paradigm through its dual-task character. He discusses solutions for the development and evaluation of user interfaces which can be used in dual task scenarios. The author presents fundamental research results and introduces a special software tool as well as the “HotWire” evaluation method to facilitate user interface development and evaluation. Based on the findings of different end-user experiments conducted to study the management of interruptions with gesture and speech input in a wearable computing scenario, the author derives design guidelines and general constraints for forthcoming interface designs.