Fr. 195.00

Power Generation, Operation, and Control

English · Hardback

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Informationen zum Autor ALLEN J. WOOD joined Power Technologies, Inc., in 1969 as a Principal Engineer and Director. He was a Life Fellow of IEEE and served as an adjunct professor in the Electric Power Engineering graduate program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Dr. Wood passed away in 2011.BRUCE F. WOLLENBERG joined the University of Minnesota in 1989 and made original contributions to the understanding of electric power market structures. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and a member of the National Academy of Engineering.GERALD B. SHEBLÉ joined Auburn University in 1990 to conduct research in power system, space power, and electric auction market research. He joined Iowa State University to conduct research in the interaction of markets and power system operation. His academic research has continued to center on the action of the markets based on the physical operation of the power system. He is a Fellow of the IEEE. Klappentext A thoroughly revised new edition of the definitive work on power systems best practicesIn this eagerly awaited new edition, Power Generation, Operation, and Control continues to provide engineers and academics with a complete picture of the techniques used in modern power system operation. Long recognized as the standard reference in the field, the book has been thoroughly updated to reflect the enormous changes that have taken place in the electric power industry since the Second Edition was published seventeen years ago.With an emphasis on both the engineering and economic aspects of energy management, the Third Edition introduces central "terminal" characteristics for thermal and hydroelectric power generation systems, along with new optimization techniques for tackling real-world operating problems. Readers will find a range of algorithms and methods for performing integrated economic, network, and generating system analysis, as well as modern methods for power system analysis, operation, and control. Special features include:* State-of-the-art topics such as market simulation, multiple market analysis, contract and market bidding, and other business topics* Chapters on generation with limited energy supply, power flow control, power system security, and more* An introduction to regulatory issues, renewable energy, and other evolving topics* New worked examples and end-of-chapter problems* A companion website with additional materials, including MATLAB programs and power system sample data sets Zusammenfassung A thoroughly revised new edition of the definitive work on power systems best practicesIn this eagerly awaited new edition, Power Generation, Operation, and Control continues to provide engineers and academics with a complete picture of the techniques used in modern power system operation. Long recognized as the standard reference in the field, the book has been thoroughly updated to reflect the enormous changes that have taken place in the electric power industry since the Second Edition was published seventeen years ago.With an emphasis on both the engineering and economic aspects of energy management, the Third Edition introduces central "terminal" characteristics for thermal and hydroelectric power generation systems, along with new optimization techniques for tackling real-world operating problems. Readers will find a range of algorithms and methods for performing integrated economic, network, and generating system analysis, as well as modern methods for power system analysis, operation, and control. Special features include:* State-of-the-art topics such as market simulation, multiple market analysis, contract and market bidding, and other business topics* Chapters on generation with limited energy supply, power flow control, power system security, and more* An introduction to regulatory issues, renewable energy, and other evolving topics* New worked examples and end-of-chapter problems* A companion website with additional mat...

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