Fr. 30.90

Jamie's Kitchen

English · Paperback / Softback

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Informationen zum Autor Jamie Oliver Klappentext Jamie Oliver is a global phenomenon in food and campaigning. During a 20-year television and publishing career he has inspired millions of people to enjoy cooking from scratch and eating fresh, delicious food. Through his organization, Jamie is leading the charge on a global food revolution, aiming to reduce childhood obesity and improve everyone's health and happiness through food. Jamie started cooking at his parents' pub, The Cricketers, in Clavering, Essex, at the age of eight. After leaving school he began a career as a chef that took him to the River Caf¿where he was famously spotted by a television production company and the Naked Chef was born. He has now published 22 bestselling cookery books, all with accompanying TV shows. Jamie lives in London and Essex with his wife Jools and their children. Zusammenfassung Suitable for people who love great food and want to cook, this title is packed with clear, no-nonsense advice and inspiration, as well as over 100 brand recipes from the cookery course and the restaurant. It guides you through different cooking methods - from poaching and boiling, to char-grilling and pot-roasting.

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