Fr. 253.20

Identification and Treatment of Gait Problems in Cerebral Palsy

English · Hardback

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Informationen zum Autor James R. Gage, MD (Medical Director Emeritus, Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare, St Paul, Minnesota; Professor of Orthopaedics Emeritus, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA). Michael H. Schwartz, PhD (Director of Bioengineering Research, Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare, St Paul, Minnesota; Associate Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery Graduate Faculty, Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA) Steven E. Koop, MD (Medical Director, Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare, St Paul, Minnesota; Associate Professor of Orthopaedics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA) Tom F. Novacheck, MD (Director, Center for Gait and Motion Analysis, Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare, St Paul, Minnesota; Associate Professor of Orthopaedics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA). Klappentext The only book to deal specifically with the treatment of gait problems in cerebral palsy, this comprehensive, multi-disciplinary volume will be invaluable for all those working in the field of cerebral palsy and gait (neurologists, therapists, physiatrists, orthopaedic and neurosurgeons, and bioengineers). The book is divided into two parts. The first is designed to help the reader evaluate and understand a child with cerebral palsy. It deals with neurological control, musculoskeletal growth, and normal gait, as well as cerebral injury, growth deformities and gait pathology in children with cerebral palsy. The second section is a comprehensive overview of management. It emphasizes the most fundamental concept of treatment: manage the child's neurologic dysfunction first and then address the skeletal and muscular consequences of that dysfunction.The book has been thoroughly updated since the previous edition, with a greater focus on treatment and several entirely new topics covered, including chapters on the operative treatment of orthopaedic deformities.The book is accompanied by a DVD containing a teaching video on normal gait and a CD-ROM containing the videos and motion analysis data of all case examples used in the book, as well as teaching videos demonstrating the specifics of many of the procedures used in the correction of gait deformities and gait modelling examples from the Department of Bioengineering at Stanford University. Zusammenfassung The only book to deal specifically with the treatment of gait problems in cerebral palsy, this comprehensive, multi-disciplinary volume will be invaluable for all those working in the field of cerebral palsy and gait (neurologists, therapists, physiatrists, orthopaedic and neurosurgeons, and bioengineers). The book is divided into two parts. Inhaltsverzeichnis PART 1: GAIT PROBLEMS IN CEREBRAL PALSYSECTION 1 TYPICAL MUSCULOSKELETAL DEVELOPMENT1.1 THE NEURAL CONTROL OF MOVEMENT Warwick J. Peacock (San Francisco, California, USA)1.2 MUSCULOSKELETAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Steven E. Koop (St Paul, Minnesota, USA)1.3 NORMAL GAIT James R. Gage and Michael H. Schwartz (St Paul, Minnnesota, USA)SECTION 2: GAIT PATHOLOGY IN INDIVIDUALS WITH CEREBRAL PALSY2.1 MECHANISMS AND MANIFESTATIONS OF NEONATAL BRAIN INJURY Adre DuPlessis (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)2.2 THE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF SPASTICITY Warwick J. Peacock (San Francisco, California, USA)2.3 BASAL GANGLIA INJURY AND RESULTING MOVEMENT DISORDERS Leland Albright (Madison, Wisconsin, USA)2.4 CONSEQUENCES OF BRAIN INJURY ON MUSCULOSKELETAL DEVELOPMENT James R. Gage and Michael H. Schwartz (St Paul, Minnesota, USA)2.5 MUSCLE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION IN CEREBRAL PALSY Adam P. Shortland, Nicola R. Fry, Anne E. McNee and Martin Gough (London, UK)2.6 CLASSIFICATION OF CEREBRAL PALSY AND PATTERNS OF GAIT PATHOLOGY Sylvia ?unpuu (Hartford, Connnecticut, USA), Pam Thomason (Melbourne, Australia), Adrienne Harvey (Melbourne, Australi...

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