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Cambridge Companion to Rilke

English · Paperback / Softback

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Informationen zum Autor Karen Leeder is Professor of Modern German Literature at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of New College. Robert Vilain is Professor of German and Comparative Literature at Royal Holloway! University of London. Klappentext A collection of specially commissioned essays providing an overview of the life, works and contexts of this important modernist poet. Zusammenfassung Often regarded as the greatest German poet of the twentieth century, Rainer Maria Rilke (1875–1926) remains one of the most influential figures of European modernism. With its invaluable guide to further reading and a chronology of Rilke's life and work, this Companion will provide an accessible, engaging account of this extraordinary poet. Inhaltsverzeichnis Chronology; Introduction Karen Leeder and Robert Vilain; Part I. Life: 1. Rilke: a biographical exploration Rüdiger Görner; 2. The status of the correspondence in Rilke's work Ulrich Baer; Part II. Works: 3. Early poems Charlie Louth; 4. The new poems William Waters; 5. The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge Andreas Huyssen; 6. The Duino Elegies Kathleen L. Komar; 7. The Sonnets to Orpheus Thomas Martinec; Part III. Cultural Contexts, Influences, Reception: 8. Rilke and modernism Andreas Kramer; 9. Rilke as reader Robert Vilain; 10. Rilke and the visual arts Helen Bridge; 11. Rilke: thought and mysticism Paul Bishop; 12. Rilke and his philosophical critics Anthony Phelan; 13. Rilke's legacy in the English-speaking world Karen Leeder; Appendix: poem titles; Guide to further reading; Index; Index to Rilke's works.

Product details

Authors Karen Leeder
Assisted by Karen Leeder (Editor), Karen (University of Oxford) Leeder (Editor), Robert Vilain (Editor), Robert (Royal Holloway Vilain (Editor)
Publisher Cambridge University Press Academic
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 31.12.2009
EAN 9780521705080
ISBN 978-0-521-70508-0
Dimensions 155 mm x 228 mm x 12 mm
Series Cambridge Companions to Literature
Cambridge companion
Cambridge Companions to Litera
Cambridge Companions to Literature
Cambridge companion
Subjects Fiction > Poetry, drama
Humanities, art, music > Linguistics and literary studies > English linguistics / literary studies

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