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Netters Atlas of Neuroscience

English · Paperback / Softback


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SECTION I: OVERVIEW OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 1: Neurons and Their Properties Neurotransmission Electrical Properties 2: Skull and Meninges 3: Brain 4. Brain Stem and Cerebellum 5. Spinal Cord 6. Ventricles and the Cerebrospinal Fluid 7. Vasculature Arterial System Venous System 8. Developmental Neuroscience SECTION II: REGIONAL NEUROSCIENCE 9: Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Introduction and Basic Organization Somatic Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) 10: Spinal Cord 11: Brain Stem and Cerebellum Cross-Sectional Brain Stem Anatomy Cranial Nerves (CNs) and Cranial Nerve Nuclei (CNN) Reticular Formation Cerebellum 12: Diencephalon 13: Telencephalon SECTION III: SYSTEMIC NEUROSCIENCE 14: Sensory Systems Somatosensory Systems Trigeminal Sensory System Sensory System for Taste Auditory System Vestibular System Visual System 15: Motor Systems Lower Motor Neurons (LMNs) Upper Motor Neurons (UMNs) Cerebellum Basal Ganglia 16: Autonomic-Hypothalamic-Limbic Systems Autonomic Nervous System Hypothalamus and Pituitary Limbic System Olfactory System

Product details

Authors David Felten, David L Felten, David L. Felten, Anil Shetty, Anil N. Shetty
Assisted by Frank H. Netter (Illustration)
Publisher Saunders Company Ltd
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 07.05.2009
EAN 9781416054184
ISBN 978-1-4160-5418-4
Dimensions 215 mm x 275 mm x 18 mm
Series Netter Basic Science
Netter Basic Science
Subject Natural sciences, medicine, IT, technology > Medicine

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