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101 Fuel Cell Projects for the Evil Genius

English · Paperback / Softback

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Go green as you amass power! Fuel Cell Projects for the Evil Genius broadens your knowledge of this important, rapidly developing technology and shows you how to build practical, environmentally conscious projects using the three most popular and widely accessible fuel cells!
In Fuel Cell Projects for the Evil Genius, high-tech guru Gavin Harper gives you everything you need to conduct practical experiments and build energizing fuel cell projects. You'll find complete, easy-to-follow plans that feature clear diagrams and schematics, as well as:

Instructions for fascinating sustainable energy projects, complete with 180 how-to illustrations
Explanations of how fuel cells work and why the hydrogen economy will impact our lives in the near future
Frustration-factor removal-all the needed parts are listed, along with sources
Science fair project ideas that are on the cutting edge of the latest technological developments
Fuel Cell Projects for the Evil Genius gives you complete plans, instructions, parts lists, and sources to:

Understand how hydrogen could meet our energy needs in a post-carbon economy
Build a fuel cell car to race against your friends
Build an intelligent fuel cell car which autonomously drives
Build a simple fuel cell using adhesive bandages
Hydrogen fuel your iPod
Have a hydrogen barbecue-cook your food with zero carbon emissions!
Discover how the amounts of hydrogen supplied to fuel cells affect the amounts of electricity produced
And much more!

List of contents

Chapter 1. History of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
Chapter 2. The Hydrogen Economy
Chapter 3. Producing Hydrogen
Chapter 4. Hydrogen Storage
Chapter 5. Platinum Fuel Cells
Chapter 6. Alkaline Fuel Cells
Chapter 7. PEM Fuel Cells
Chapter 8. Direct Methanol Fuel Cells
Chapter 9. Microbial Fuel Cells
Chapter 10. High-Temperature Fuel Cells
Chapter 11. Scratch-Built Fuel Cells
Chapter 12. Hydrogen Safety
Chapter 13. Hydrogen Transport
Chapter 14. More Fun with Hydrogen!
Chapter 15. Fuel Cell Competitions
Appendix A: Everything You Wanted to Know About Hydrogen...and Then Some
Appendix B: Fuel Cell Acronym Buster
Appendix C: Fuel Cell Associations

About the author

McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide


An environmentally-conscious project book for all the “green” Evil Geniuses. A great follow-up or one-two punch with Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genius.

Product details

Authors Gavin Harper, Gavin D. J. Harper, Gavin D.J. Harper, Harper Gavin
Publisher MCGRAW-HILL Professional
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 17.06.2008
EAN 9780071496599
ISBN 978-0-07-149659-9
No. of pages 196
Weight 490 g
Series Evil Genius Series
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
Evil Genius Series
Subjects Natural sciences, medicine, IT, technology > Technology > Electronics, electrical engineering, communications engineering

TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Electrical, Electrical Engineering

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