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A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion

English · Paperback / Softback

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Informationen zum Autor Michael Lambek is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Toronto and the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is author of The Weight of the Past: Living with History in Mahajanga, Madagascar (2002), Knowledge and Practice in Mayotte (1993), and Human Spirits (1981), and co-editor of Tense Past: Cultural Essays in Trauma and Memory (1996) and Illness and Irony: On the Ambiguity of Suffering in Culture (2004) (both with Paul Antze). Klappentext In the second edition of the highly acclaimed Reader in the Anthropology of Religion , Michael Lambek collects some of the most significant classic and contemporary writings on the subject, creating an unparalleled guide to the past, present, and future of the field. Including nine additional selections, among them classic pieces by Pouillon, Burridge, and Meyerhoff, as well as more contemporary work by Harding, De Boeck, and Palmié, this volume examines numerous aspects of religion in a diversity of cultures, and expands upon the idea of what we mean by 'religion', linking it to some of the broader questions of culture and politics. Lambek begins with a general introduction to familiarize the reader with the subject matter, and then prefaces each selection with helpful contextual remarks and suggestions for further reading. Additionally, the inclusion of research tools and an extensive bibliography lends unsurpassed accessibility to this text. Zusammenfassung A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion is a collection of some of the most significant classic and contemporary writings in the field. Inhaltsverzeichnis Preface to Second Edition xi General Introduction 1 Part I The Context of Understanding and Debate 19 Opening Frameworks 21 Introduction 21 1 Religion in Primitive Culture 23 Edward Burnett Tylor 2 The Elementary Forms of Religious Life 34 Emile Durkheim 3 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism 48 Max Weber 4 Religion as a Cultural System 57 Clifford Geertz Skeptical Rejoinders 77 Introduction 77 5 Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough 79 Ludwig Wittgenstein 6 Religion, Totemism and Symbolism 82 W. E. H. Stanner 7 Remarks on the Verb "To Believe" 90 Jean Pouillon 8 Christians as Believers 97 Malcolm Ruel 9 The Construction of Religion as an Anthropological Category 110 Talal Asad Part II Poiesis: The Composition of Religious Worlds 127 Signs and Symbols 129 Introduction 129 10 The Logic of Signs and Symbols 131 Susanne K. Langer 11 The Problem of Symbols 139 E. E. Evans-Pritchard 12 On Key Symbols 151 Sherry B. Ortner 13 The Virgin of Guadalupe: A Mexican National Symbol 160 Eric R. Wolf Structure, Function, and Interpretation 167 Introduction 167 14 Myth in Primitive Psychology 168 Bronislaw Malinowski 15 Folk Dialectics of Nature and Culture 176 Marshall Sahlins 16 Land Animals, Pure and Impure 183 Mary Douglas 17 A Jivaro Version of Totem and Taboo 196 Claude Lévi-Strauss 18 Text-Building, Epistemology, and Aesthetics in Javanese Shadow Theatre 206 Alton L. Becker Moral Inversions and Spaces of Disorder 225 I ntroduction 225 19 The Winnebago Trickster Figure 226 Paul Radin 20 Witchcraft and Sexual Relations: An Exploration in the Social and Semantic Implications of the Structure of Belief 238 Raymond C. Kelly 21 The Politics and Poetics of Transgression 253 Peter Stallybrass and Allon White Conceptualizing the Cosmos 265 Int...

Product details

Authors Lambek, Michael Lambek
Assisted by Michael Lambek (Editor), Michael (University of Toronto) Lambek (Editor)
Publisher Blackwell Scientific Publishers Ltd
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 29.02.2008
EAN 9781405136143
ISBN 978-1-4051-3614-3
Dimensions 172 mm x 245 mm x 35 mm
Series Wiley Blackwell Anthologies in Social and Cultural Anthropology
Wiley Blackwell Anthologies in Social and Cultural Anthropology
Subject Humanities, art, music > Religion/theology

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