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Neuroanatomy: Illustrated Colour Text

English · Paperback / Softback

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Now fully revised and updated, this leading ICT series volume offers a concise yet comprehensive account of the structure and function of the human nervous system. Trusted by generations of readers and now in its seventh edition, it remains internationally popular as the most succinct, clinically relevant and uniquely illustrated textbook available on the subject. Carefully targeted to bridge the gap between a brief overview on the one hand and an extensive text on the other, this book provides a clear account of neuroanatomical principles. It describes normal structure and function and clinically relevant dysfunction, all related to conditions which students will encounter in clinical practice. This book will make learning easy for medical students, junior doctors and specialist trainees needing a sound understanding of the basics of neuroanatomy which underpin the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders. Straightforward and concise - makes notoriously difficult concepts easy to understandSome of the best published illustrations in the field - all updated and improved for clarityPerfect for those new to neuroanatomy - provides enough detail for students to proceed to clinical studies with confidenceClinical material and topic summaries fully updated and highlighted in summary boxes throughout the textComes with the complete, enhanced eBook - including additional images and self-assessment material to aid revision and check understanding

List of contents

1 Introduction and overview
2 Cells of the nervous system
3 Peripheral nervous system
4 Autonomic nervous system
5 Coverings of the central nervous system
6 Ventricular system
7 Vasculature of the central nervous system
8 Spinal cord
9 Brainstem
10 Cranial nerves and cranial nerve nuclei
11 Cerebellum
12 Thalamus
13 Cerebral hemisphere and cerebral cortex
14 Basal ganglia
15 Visual system
16 Hypothalamus, limbic system and olfactory system

Product details

Authors Alan R Crossman, Alan R. (Professor of Anatomy Crossman, Crossman Alan R.
Publisher Elsevier
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 13.03.2025
EAN 9780443113666
ISBN 978-0-443-11366-6
Weight 560 g
Illustrations Illustrationen, nicht spezifiziert
Series Illustrated Colour Text
Subjects Natural sciences, medicine, IT, technology > Medicine > Clinical medicine

Anatomy, MEDICAL / Anatomy, MEDICAL / Neurology, MEDICAL / Atlases, Neurology & clinical neurophysiology, Neurology and clinical neurophysiology, Medical Charts, Colour Atlases

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