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Struny Vselennoj - Issledowanie tajn teorii strun

Russian · Paperback / Softback

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V fizike teoriq strun - äto teoreticheskaq osnowa, w kotoroj tochechnye chasticy fiziki chastic zamenqütsq odnomernymi ob#ektami, nazywaemymi strunami. Teoriq strun opisywaet, kak äti struny rasprostranqütsq w prostranstwe i wzaimodejstwuüt drug s drugom. Na rasstoqniqh, prewyshaüschih masshtab struny, struna wyglqdit kak obychnaq chastica, a ee massa, zarqd i drugie swojstwa opredelqütsq kolebatel'nym sostoqniem struny. V teorii strun odno iz mnozhestwa kolebatel'nyh sostoqnij struny sootwetstwuet grawitonu - kwantowomehanicheskoj chastice, perenosqschej grawitacionnuü silu. Takim obrazom, teoriq strun - äto teoriq kwantowoj grawitacii.

About the author

Magistr neorganicheskoj himii (SBU) i magistr himii polimerow (IAU): Uchastie w 83 specializirowannyh kursah, 85 nacional'nyh konferenciqh, 91 nauchnyh i promyshlennyh proektah, napisanie 167 nauchnyh statej (130 konferencij i 37 zhurnalow) i 100 nauchnyh knig, laureat 42 premij, obladatel' patenta i chlenstwo w 33 nauchnyh associaciqh.

Product details

Authors Puriq Zarshenas
Publisher Sciencia Scripts
Languages Russian
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 12.05.2024
EAN 9786207532896
ISBN 9786207532896
No. of pages 88
Subject Natural sciences, medicine, IT, technology > Physics, astronomy > Theoretical physics

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