Product details
Authors | Morgan Audic |
Assisted by | Tobias Scheffel (Translation), Claudia Steinitz (Translation) |
Publisher | Hoffmann und Campe |
Languages | German |
Product format | Hardback |
Released | 27.09.2024 |
EAN | 9783455018219 |
ISBN | 978-3-455-01821-9 |
No. of pages | 416 |
Dimensions | 147 mm x 215 mm x 215 mm |
Weight | 511 g |
Subjects |
> Suspense
> Crime fiction, thrillers, espionage
Klimawandel, Wal, Arktis, Eisbär, Norwegen, Thriller, Lofoten, Polarkreis, Mordserie, entspannen, Polizeiarbeit, Ermittlerin, Frauenmord, Journalist, Spitzbergen, Polarnacht, Polarregion, Walfang, Nordnorwegen, Nord-Norge, nordpolarmeer, Ermittlerarbeit, Lofoten und Vesterålen, Kriegsjournalist, Polare Klimazonen / Polarregionen |
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