Product details
Authors | John Patrick Green |
Assisted by | John Patrick Green (Illustration), Matthias Wieland (Translation) |
Publisher | Karibu |
Languages | German |
Age Recommendation | from age 8 |
Product format | Hardback |
Released | 05.02.2025 |
EAN | 9783961294336 |
ISBN | 978-3-96129-433-6 |
No. of pages | 208 |
Dimensions | 150 mm x 18 mm x 217 mm |
Weight | 517 g |
Subjects |
Children's and young people's books
> Children's books up to 11 years of age
Tiere, Superhelden, Alligatoren, Deutsche Ausgabe, Kinder/Jugendliche: Action- und Abenteuergeschichten, lustig, Helden, Agenten, für Jungen, Gang, ab 10, Detektiv-geschichte, auf deutsch, ab 9, Comic-Serie, Abenteuer und Action, Comic für Jungs, Graphic Novel Kinder, Graphic Novel / Comic / Manga: Superhelden und Superschurken, für ungeübte Leser, empfohlenes Alter: ab ca. 8 Jahre, Graphic Novel / Comic / Manga: Stil, Tradition, Graphic Novel / Comic / Manga: Genres, Gattungen, Investi-Gators, all-ages Comic |
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