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Chemical Physics of Polymer Nanocomposites - Processing, Morphology, Structure, Thermodynamics, Rheology

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The handbook examines the current state-of-the-art of preparation, processing, characterizing and applying a wide range of polymer nanocomposites, with a particular focus on the rheology and its dependence on the preparation techniques of this important class of materials.

List of contents

Classification of Nano Fillers, Nano-Objects, Nanomaterials, and Polymer Nanocomposites Based on Chemical Nature and Identity
Biological and Chemical Synthesis of Nanoparticles
Using In-Situ Polymerization for Manufacturing of Polymer Nanocellulose
Manufacturing of Nanocomposites by Electrospinning
Polymer Nanocomposites Based on Metal Oxide Nanoplatelets
Life Cycle Analysis of Polymer Nanocomposites
Polymer Nanocomposites Filled in Nanocellulose and Cellulose Whiskers
Polymer Nanocomposites Based on Nano Chitin
Nanostarch Filled Polmyer Nanocomposites
Polymer Nanocomposites Based on Nano-Lignin: Preparation, Properties, and Applications
Polymer Nanocomposites Based on Gold Nanowires
Polymer Nanocomposites Based on Graphene and Graphene Oxide
Polymer Nanocomposites Based on Nano Alumina
Polymer Nanocomposites Based on Nano Magnesium Hydroxide
Polymer Nanocomposites Based on Nano Silica
Polymer Nanocomposites Based on Quantum Dots
Decorated Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Nanocomposites
Graphene-Based Polymer Nanocomposites
Decorated Quantum Dots Polymer Nanocomposites
Decorated Clays for Polymer Nanocomposites
Decorated Nanocellulose-Polymer Nanocomposites
Decorated Nanochitin-Biopolymer Membranes for Water Purification
Advantage of Polymer Nanocomposite for Biomedical Application
Recycling of Polymer Nanocomposites. Plastic e-Waste Case Study
Life Cycle Analysis of Polymer Nanocomposites
Lab to Industry
Electrical Properties of Nanocomposite Polymer Electrolytes and their Energy Storage Applications
Advanced Polymeric Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases
Recent Advances in the Chemorheological Behavior of Biobased Polyurethane Nanocomposites
Self Healing Stretchable Composite Conductor
Graphene Polymer Nanocomposites for Electrical Applications

About the author

Sabu Thomas is Vice Chancellor of the Mahatma Gandhi University in Kerala, India.
Vera Myasoedova is Chief Research Fellow at the N. N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Hanna J. Maria is Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of the Mahatma Gandhi University in Kerala, India.

Product details

Assisted by Hanna J Maria (Editor), Hanna J. Maria (Editor), Vera V. Myasoedova (Editor), Sabu Thomas (Editor)
Publisher Wiley-VCH
Languages English
Product format Hardback
Released 04.09.2024
EAN 9783527349579
ISBN 978-3-527-34957-9
No. of pages 1072
Dimensions 170 mm x 244 mm x 15 mm
Weight 666 g
Subjects Natural sciences, medicine, IT, technology > Chemistry

Chemie, Physikalische Chemie, chemistry, Composites, polymer processing, Verbundwerkstoffe, Materialwissenschaften, Materials science, Physical Chemistry, Polymer Science & Technology, Polymerwissenschaft u. -technologie, Polymerverarbeitung

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