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Understanding Cultures A Guide for Every Individual

Telugu · Paperback / Softback

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Culture and its key elements
Culture is the set of knowledge, beliefs, arts, morality, law, customs, food, clothing, and other aspects of a society or group. It is what gives a society its identity and unity.
The key elements of culture are:
· Beliefs: Beliefs are a society's views about the world. They can come from sources such as religion, philosophy, and science.
· Values: Values are the things that a society's members consider important. They are based on the society's beliefs.
· Customs: Customs are the usual ways of behaving in a society. They are often repeated and reflect the society's traditions.
· Traditions: Traditions are the inheritance of a society. They tell about a society's history and culture.
· Arts: Arts express a society's creativity. They include forms such as painting, music, dance, literature, and others.
Culture is a living system that is constantly changing. New ideas and traditions are adopted, and old ones are lost. Even as culture changes, it plays an important role in maintaining a society's identity and unity.

Product details

Authors Rohan Iyer
Publisher Self
Languages Telugu
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 06.01.2024
EAN 9798869127839
ISBN 979-8-8691-2783-9
No. of pages 84
Dimensions 152 mm x 229 mm x 5 mm
Weight 136 g
Subject Social sciences, law, business > Business > Miscellaneous

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