Fr. 56.30

The Whale Whisperer

English, Middle (1100-1500) · Paperback / Softback

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Zoe has always felt connected to whales and believes she can understand their songs. One morning, she hears a distress call and guides rescuers to a pod entangled in fishing nets. This proves her gift is real. However, it also attracts poachers who threaten revenge.
When Zoe spots the men harassing the pod, she bravely intervenes by setting fires to drive them away. She then dedicates herself to the pod's protection, sharing insights with researchers. Strong bonds form, especially with a young calf she helps free.
However, the poachers go underground and five whales go missing. Drawing on her connection, Zoe senses where they're held. In a dramatic raid, the warehouse is stormed and the whales rescued while the poachers are arrested.
Order is restored but Zoe remains committed to advocating for the pod. She continues strengthening her ability to communicate with them, proving herself a true voice and protector of whales through her special gift of understanding their songs.

Product details

Authors Mustafa Nejem
Publisher maritime
Languages English, Middle (1100-1500)
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 20.12.2023
EAN 9781963159523
ISBN 978-1-963159-52-3
No. of pages 90
Dimensions 210 mm x 297 mm x 5 mm
Weight 259 g
Subject Humanities, art, music > History

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