Product details
Authors | Anne Agur, Anne M. R. Agur, Agur Anne M. R., Arthur F. Dalley II |
Publisher | Ingram Publishers Services |
Languages | English |
Product format | Paperback / Softback |
Released | 01.02.2024 |
EAN | 9781975193447 |
ISBN | 978-1-9751-9344-7 |
No. of pages | 896 |
Weight | 2313 g |
Illustrations | 2194 |
Series |
Biopsy Interpretation Series Lippincott Connect |
Subjects |
Natural sciences, medicine, IT, technology
> Medicine
> Clinical medicine
Anatomy, MEDICAL / Anatomy, MEDICAL / Education & Training, MEDICAL / Atlases, dissection, Medical study and revision guides and reference material, Medical Charts, Colour Atlases, Regional anatomy |
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