Fr. 18.50

The Long Game

English · Paperback

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Sinn Fein, long widely-regarded as the political wing of the Provisional IRA, is the most popular political party in both Northern Ireland and the Republic. A movement once synonymous with a paramilitary campaign is on the brink of taking real power through purely democratic means. But if Sinn Fein has mastered the art of electoral politics, it remains strangely opaque. Who really runs the party? How is it funded? And what can we expect of it as a party of government?

Aoife Moore, Irish Journalist of the Year 2021. explores these and other burning questions in The Long Game. Drawing on exclusive interviews with current and former members of Sinn Fein, she builds up a picture of a party undergoing a profound, and still incomplete, transformation. She looks at the key individuals and moments that put the party on its present course, and she explores tensions within the party and the wider republican movement.

Packed with revelatory details, The Long Game is a groundbreaking telling of contemporary Ireland''s biggest and most elusive political story.<>

About the author

Aoife Moore is an Irish journalist and political correspondent from Derry. She won Irish Journalist of the Year in 2021 for breaking the "Golfgate Scandal" for the Irish Examiner. She is currently based in Dublin. The Long Game is her first book.

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