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Sustainable and Equitable Land Management - Legal Framework, Planning Tools, Assessment

English · Paperback / Softback

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This new volume of European Academy of Land Use and Development (EALD) contains broad view and interdisciplinary peer reviewed articles that inform the reader of most recent scientific investigations in Land Management. The spectrum of contributions cover: regulations, governance and implementation of land management along with assessment of relevant data.Some of the key highlights include various scientific and practical approaches, applied methods and systems together with a discussion and understanding of the government's role in various European countries. Committed to sustainability, the articles entailed give evidence to Europe as an experimental ground for land management issues as well as allows for collaboration in pursuit of best practices.


This new volume of European Academy of Land Use and Development (EALD) contains broad view and interdisciplinary peer reviewed articles that inform the reader of most recent scientific investigations in Land Management. The spectrum of contributions cover: regulations, governance and implementation of land management along with assessment of relevant data.
Some of the key highlights include various scientific and practical approaches, applied methods and systems together with a discussion and understanding of the government’s role in various European countries.
Committed to sustainability, the articles entailed give evidence to Europe as an experimental ground for land management issues as well as allows for collaboration in pursuit of best practices.

Product details

Assisted by Tine Köhler (Editor), Vida Maliene (Editor), Reinfried Mansberger (Editor), Paulsson (Editor), Jenny Paulsson (Editor), Walter Seher (Editor)
Publisher Vdf Hochschulverlag AG
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 01.10.2024
EAN 9783728141712
ISBN 978-3-7281-4171-2
No. of pages 240
Weight 526 g
Illustrations zahlreiche Abbildungen, z.T. farbig
Series European Academy of Land Use and Development
Subjects Natural sciences, medicine, IT, technology > Geosciences > Urban, spatial and country planning

Urban Planning, Land Management Instruments, Urban Land Management, Land Use Planning, spatial planning, Geoinformatics, Sustainable Mobility Transition, Public Value Capture, Cadastral Development

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